Sheena Blackhall Poems

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Four Callander Poems & A Highland Games

1.Chanticleer’s Comb

Chanticleer’s comb is fiery red
Sixteen wives he takes to bed
Sixteen wives, each one with egg

The Story Of Ossi

Ossi, youngest of six, all Catholic gypsies,
Travelled around in the family caravan
Spent winters in Vienna, round the campfires

The Harry Potter Train Et Al (6 Poems)

The Harry Potter Train et al (6 poems)

1: Animals at Large, Oban
The salmon farm looks like a wedding marquee tent

Seven Scottish Inventions

John Logie Baird 1888-1946

Checking out the weather, the traffic or the news,
We switch on the TV for fun and current views

Four Glasgow Poems

1. The Gory Bells (Gorbals)
Folk shunned the lepers, at their coming, fled,
Hearing the ringing of the gory bells
When those poor creatures walked like the undead

German Interlude (With Detours) 23 Poems

1.Ahrweiler Cemetery
The leitmotif of my childhood's
Peeling stucco. The adults
I knew are as stuffed parrots now

For People Who Hate Maths

⅔ + ⅝ = The Eiffel Tower
20% + 1,999 = A line of Washing
66% x 975 = Mohammed Ali’s boxer shorts
36+703-3 = Orange peel


She'd a laugh that bubbled like berries in the pan
She'd whalebone stays with salmon-gusset bloomers
She'd a smile as bright's the sun on a copper kettle
She prodded a mouth in the fire till it told stories

Turkey (2 Poems)

Sandalwood, myrtle, cypresses,
Sweet gum, laurel & olive groves
Oleander & dates and pines
Cross winged falcons & turtle doves

Coleridge And Wordsworth

A pair, like rhyming couplets,
Two poets roamed the fells
Sam C. saw magic visions
Whilst Will saw daffodils

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