Sheena Blackhall Poems

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11 Poems From An Inside Job (English)

1. An Inside Job (1)

‘And only click the switch, when you hear sound'
The audiologist said.


I close my eyes. I walk a river bed,
Around my calves, each wave gleams like a fin
I am a child again, unwooed, unwed

In The Channel Tunnel

It takes 35 minutes to travel the Channel Tunnel
24 miles under murky fathoms of deep
Napoleon would have loved this foxy link

Meditation No 9

I do not jeer at squirrels
Or peel frogs out of their jumpsuits

I do not throw stones at angels

The Strange One

They led the strange one into the woods
To the tree that stands like a twisted snake
And the hawthorn bush it tore his skin
But never a sound did the strange one make

21 Poems In Scots And Gaelic From 'Mr Charon'

1.The Robin(A Scots Owersett o the poem bi John Clare)

Noo the snaa haps the grun, far the wee birdies flee
Tae the but an the ben for wee crummles tae pree

The Pugilist

The pugilist is thick as a stick
Of fairground rock

Too many times he's been knocked

7 Limericks In Scots

Auld Wife Fae Carnoustie
There wis an auld wife fae Carnoustie
Her drawers war bumshayvelt an fooshtie
The dottled auld feel, bocht a pair made o steel

Under The Mango Tree: Uttar Pradesh

The Taj Mahal's love tale is eternal
Built by a prince to mark lost bridal joys
White marble sculpted in a vast farewell
Fashioned with all the grandeur wealth employs

Meet The Shakespeares

Alum, dog turd, piss, egg, lime
Shakespeare's father was a glover
Lambskin kid and deer he used
To fashion gloves of finest leather

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