Sheena Blackhall Poems

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On the churchyard bench
I opened my sandwich lunch
Having passed and avoided two beggars
The benches sit in an arc

Self-Portrait As A Landscape

Often I let the world slip off my edges
Like an old mountain. Heave life from my ledges
Into the Past’s morass of bogs and sedges

To Boldly Go

Leonard Simon Nimoy, ‘Mr Spock'
Was born in Massachusetts USA
To Jewish immigrants from the Ukraine
His father first walked over into Poland

St Andrew's Day Poem

I like haggis, Lochnagar
Rumblethumps, the colour purple
I like to stir my words
With a Scottish spurtle

English Poems From Meenstrukk

Is it worth it?
I'm 74 years old. Is it worth planting a hydrangea?
Is it worth buying a new carpet?
A mattress costs £200 and lasts ten years

Ganesh's Daughter (Scots Poems)

The Spikk o the Nor East Leid
The Romans focht at Bennachie gainst Calcagus chief o a clan
His name hid reets in Celtic lore, a legendary brave swordsman
Eumenius in the third century, caad North East tribesmen the Picti

Ganesh's Daughter (English Poems)

What Unseen Sorrow lies in waiting?
What unseen sorrow lies in waiting?
A shadow stretches on the lawn
Have I regrets? Yes, far too many

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
In Afghanistan, a group of men
Are playing Buzkashi
Players on horseback or yak

The Bird Of Ill Omen

The bird of ill omen
Began with a fever
Shaking all over
Head, on fire

English Poems From Carpe Diem

My father
His marriage was consanguineous
Wedlock, a double blood knot
He sired two legitimate children

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