Sheena Blackhall Poems

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The Walking Pharmacy

I am a walking pharmacy
It stops fluid retention
My pill policeman inside

Pigging Out

It sat upon a tray on the trestle table
The pièce de resistance of the meal, the center piece
A wild boar's head, well roasted
An apple in its mouth

English Poems From Pigging Out

The Vegetarian Drools
Beetroot mousse piquant
Prunes stroganoff, Dutch rarebit
Turnips on horseback, cheese

Happy Birthday Nhs

Baby steps, from cot to grave
Aneurin Bevan's great success
Free healthcare for young and old
Happy Birthday NHS

English Poems From Young Quine Dreamin

The Dictatorial Moon
Without so much as a by-your-leave
The moon appears in the sky

Scots Poems From Young Quine Dreamin

A Gype
A gype fa thocht he wis Neptune
Wi a harpoon spear in his haun
Catched a muckle fish wi an ugsome mug

In Praise Of The Washing Machine Man

With dirty laundry high's a weather vane
And nothing fresh to wear next to the skin
Our washing machine decided to abstain


Odd's Blood! Old bones walk slowly, power gone
Once I could turn a cartwheel in the sun
Our world is wounded. Can it still recover?
Within a woodland, I am All-in-one

Vessel Of Clay

If my husband was more like my father
My, he'd be a wonderful man
For nothing was too much trouble
For the head of the family clan

Sleep (2)

Bunk, buggy, hammock
Mattress, cot and crib
Cat net keeps bairn hid

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