Sheena Blackhall Poems

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Ghost Of A Wetland

Forestry, livestock, game bird, housing
Brown trout, frogs and playful otter
Salmon, voles and curlews wheeling
Lapwings, herons, gulls and dipper


What was he doing the great god Pan?
He was mourning the death of Nature
Of icebergs shrinking, of woodlands burning
Of harm to each land and creature

Aberdeen 1647

In Aberdeen in 1647,
The horrid Pest came knocking at the door
And one in four lay dead before it left
Black Death, the Plague, the revived Galor Mor

The Dark Night Of The Soul

A long time back I stared in the abyss,
A place of misery, the death of joy;
Where nothing grew but everlasting pain
A land where the sole aim was to destroy

Thirteen Ways Of Looking At A Stag

In the heart of the glen,
It stares out of the gloaming
A stag with 12 tines, a majestic Royal

English Poems From Kye Gaun Hame

On a Second Wedding: Two friends discuss
Her first had faults in plenty
He had, but don't we all?
You could say she was picky

Scots Poems From Kye Gaun Hame

The Gecko
Inbye a Buddhist Temple by the Kwai
Wi fitewashed waas. A Budddha. Simple shrine
Cweel, shady, yalla flooers in a pot

Scots Poems From The Lobster

Auld King Brude
Auld King Brude he fand a bowl
An screivit there aroon its band
‘gie this bowl tae the ane ye lue

English Poems From The Lobster

Diagnosis II
The warning flag's been raised. Alert! Alert!
Diabetic changes behind the eyes have appeared

English Poems From The Mithers

At the Circus Menagerie,1960s, Aberdeen
Roll up, roll up to enjoy
The dank, rank smell of the menagerie
Outside the circus tent, the mobile safari

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