Sheena Blackhall Poems

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The Lipstick's Muse

Why do you want to be human?
Asked the lipstick’s Muse.

Their conscience is like a cochlear implant

I Am An Image In A Ball Of Glass

I stare across the expanse of white
An image in a ball of glass
I hear it groaning in the night
The earth where shuffling footsteps pass

Waiting For The Snail

I am waiting for the snail
To emerge from her whorled house
So I may engage with her


Once I was sun-bitten legs,
Helping to load the peats on my uncle’s cart

Once I read Jane Eyre in a locked-down ward

Strange Encounters

I met a whippet on the road
He wore a Balaclava
To keep the sun from off his ears
When in the Costa Brava


I think I am one of life’s watchers
A sloth, slung between two trees
Looking up at the moon
My two eyes fill with moon

20 English Poems From The Speerit Hoose

1. Stolen Behaviours
The grasshopper accelerated
In angles of legs and light
A compass trampolining in the sun

The Six Thinking Hats

There was a man who had six hats
His name it was De Bono
And if you want to wear his hats
You first must learn the game, o

7 Scots Owersetts Of Nepalese Poems

1.Siddhicharan Shreshtha (b.1912)
No Smoke From The Chimneys (Dhuvam Niskandaina)

Nae Rikk frae the Lums

The Victorian era wis byordnar jeelin
Wi icicles hingin frae windaes an ceilin
Bit inside an office in thrang Lunnon toun
Wis the cauldest o chaumers in aa the warld roon

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