Sheena Blackhall Poems

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The Victorian era wis byordnar jeelin
Wi icicles hingin frae windaes an ceilin
Bit inside an office in thrang Lunnon toun
Wis the cauldest o chaumers in aa the warld roon


Caledonia whyles rides on a kelpie's back
Mists in her hair, traffic aroon her feet
Her breists are Bens
Sna bree treetlin doon

4 Poems By John Clare, Owersett Into Scots

1: Moosie's Nest
Amang the hey, I fand girse in a baa
An powked it as I passed an gaed awa;
An fin I luiked I jealoused somethin steered,

11 Scots Poems From Flat Out

1.Nature Abhors a Vacuum (Aristotle)
In the wyme's chaumer
Velvet drapes wyte tae be swypit aside
Eftir the ficher o fore-play

Bridget Cleary

Are you a witch? Are you are fairy?
Are you the wife of Michael Cleary?

Once I was young and fair to see

Blue Whale Visits The Supermarket

The whale entered the supermarket
At the height of the winter floods
When unspeakably murky waters
Blurred the edges of dry and water worlds

Made In China

What did the Chinese give to the world?
Abacus, bells and brandy
The calendar, compass, crossbow
Fireworks…the world's first whisky

At The Conference For Scottish Inventions

At the Conference of Scottish inventions
Dolly the sheep arrived, with hair new permed, blue rinsed

Ten Adhesive stamps were licking the boots

Canine Babel

Albanian dogs go ham ham ham
Catalan dogs go bup
Chinese dogs go wang wang wang
They learn it as a pup

Names Of Minor Planets & Asteroids

Feast your eyes on space, my friends
To Daveclark, Bonk and Tea
To Honda and Humptydumpty
Wanke and Seanconnery

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