Shreya SHR

Shreya SHR Poems

As those eyes stared at me and those hands purified my body, the gentle touch of his face simply started the story...

When those lips were moving to-and-fro and were leaving soft whispers; that I-can-die- to-listen voice came out, giving a beautiful name to my tears...

When the wind blows mah hair and these leaves touch my feet, mah mind demands ur picture bcoz u r it, s biggest need..
When dese trees seem to behold me and dese hands scribble ur name, the stone I, m holding also says 'don't include me in ur game'..
When dese roads seem to be endless and dose strangers eye on me, mah lips stretch a smile bcoz it, s u in evry1 I see...
When d dew touches dose flowers I wonder their love is soo true, but I never envy dem inside bcoz they ol signify only u..

'Now it's intolerable, plzz hold 4 a while! ! ', Almighty smilingly showed me ur picture,
All of a sudden, my tears changed to smile.☺

'Are ol people heartless! don't dey know what is pain? '

You will succeed, you will earn your best,
But your lost childhood can be never bought back! !

You'll laugh with those children, you'll smile for a while,

Irresistible though but simply mesmerizing, the sight of your colors ease all my pains,
The fragrance of your love reminds me of the beauty above, you r a marvel of nature and a work of admiration..

Wonders you create as you smile at the universe, you are a prodigy of heaven and a feeling of paradise,

So close we were juz like pencil n eraser...whenever I used 2 write smthng wrong, uh used 2 erase it quickly....
So close we were juz like roots n stems...whenever I used 2 feel deprived from d world, uh used 2 enrich me with ur love n care....

So close we were juz like river n stones....whenever I was about take a wrong turn, uh would block my path quickly...

The Best Poem Of Shreya SHR

My Five Minutes Love Story! ! !

As those eyes stared at me and those hands purified my body, the gentle touch of his face simply started the story...

When those lips were moving to-and-fro and were leaving soft whispers; that I-can-die- to-listen voice came out, giving a beautiful name to my tears...

When all of a sudden they ol came together and took the advantage of the dark; making me unconscious for mere seconds, they gave me that never-felt-before spark...

One..two..three..four..five..the kiss was over; those mesmerizing moments I got from the time, told him uh almost killed her...

I thought of it as an illusion till I suddenly saw him crying; I tightened the grip with all my power, to tell him he's only mine...

ALAS! ! all this came to an end when time showed me it's fury, he went away handing me his feelings and completing my 'FIVE MINUTES'love story.....! ! ! ! ! ! !


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