Shuvojyoti Sen

Shuvojyoti Sen Poems

Once in a while
I think of a day,
When things were merry
and life was gay.

The Best Poem Of Shuvojyoti Sen

Once In A While

Once in a while
I think of a day,
When things were merry
and life was gay.

Reminds me of
a happy childhood,
Jolly old days
with nothing to brood.

Love was plenty,
friendship bloomed
But we grew up
and were doomed.

Money and power
is now the game,
deserting friends
without shame.

Turned our lives
into burning hell,
friend or foe
we cannot tell.

In tormented sleep
we toss and turn
In agony and pain
our souls burn.

When did we lose
that golden day?
Love and friendship
that didn't stay.

Once in a while
I think of a day,
When things were merry
and life was gay.

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