Sian Mein Poems

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I Love You So Much

I love you so much but why can't you see?
When you act like that, something inside hurts me.
I love you so much why oh why can't you see?
When you act like that something inside kills me.

Mean Everything

You mean everything to me
From your laughter to your feet
If only you could see
How fast you make my heart beat.

Every Minute

Every minute from you
Feels like eternity
So forever like this
Just stay with me.

Back In Your Arms

Back in your arms where I should be
It's never felt so right
To feel the warmth from you
As we hug, with our arms wrapped tight.

Just Us Two

I prefer the days when it's just us two
No one is there to split us apart and moan
Just sitting peacefully,
Just you being you and me being me,

I Hate It

I hate not seeing you
I hate seeing you so sad
It makes me feel so lonely
I makes me guilty and quite sad.


Forget the times he walked on by,
Forget the times he made you cry
Forget the times he spoke your name
Remember now you're not the same.

True Best Friend

They say true friendship is so rare
An adage that I believe to be true
Genuine friendship is something that I cherish
I am so lucky to have met you.


I wish Heaven had your phone for once
So I could hear your voice again.
I thoguht about you today but that's nothing new,
I thought about you yesterdays

Staring Into Space

I lie on the ground and stare into space
The stars start to move into the shape of your face
I see you there now looking down on me
With that cute little smile I like to see

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