Sibghatullah Khan Poems

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Trained To Betray

Saying the same over and over makes no sense
unless it does not mean the same.
But how can you say something
when words are so rude? : they refuse

A Sister's Song

My Sweet little brother,
how I love to see you run around the house,
the park, the playground, and be the light
of my eyes! Here I am, your sister,

God Makes Good Things

When my car broke down on the road,
he was sitting in the bucket seat, my little boy.
Almost five, he got edgy and said: "Why cars go phut? "
"It's the road, child, " I casually explained.


I walked in the dark, mucking
like a bat trapped indoor;
you gave me eyes to find my way out,
and pluck the sun from azure sky.

Standing Winters

Through long, dark blanketing winters,
We try to keep up with life.
Every cold day, we sniff through our Coffins
To feel if it smells like grass, and wait

I Am The Old Man

With three scores and ten to my name,
and that I can remember a lot,
I am the Old Man. I eat less besides,
And sleep the first quarter of every single night.

Dying Is But Going Off-Line

Dying is but going off-line:
all passwords forgotten,
Username permanently erased,
folders deleted

Thinking Of My Bucket List

Since I'm past the time when it is hard to think
that, somewhere, Death might have laid his snares,
I keep telling myself over and over, as I drink
deep on life, that I might be caught unawares.

On Seeing Daffodils

My physician had suggested walk among the hills;
and it's there I think I saw some daffodils.
I saw them blossom in an early morning haze,
hidden from all untutored human gaze.

The Wolf And The Lamb In 2012

'Dear Lamb, I'm so sorry for my great grandfather
who, in a rush of some indiscreet passion,
killed yours on the bank of this beautiful stream,
In cold blood—rather unbecoming fashion.

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