Somanathan Iyer Poems

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An Encounter With A Compassionate Cobra

Peeping back through my memories by decades four that have gone by
An incident that almost stopped my heart beat with fear
Escaping unhurt from the jaws of a certain death
Still I feel a shiver all over when I recollect that incident


Defined are hostilities between two enemies
In peculiar and exaggerated ways by elders
A fresh and green blade of grass
Thrown between the hostile two

Empty Sky

Empty sky nothing to worry
Empty pocket something to worry
Empty brain everything to worry!

The Dismayed

Cry not any one when I breathe my last
For my exit deserves a tear-less farewell
This world I came with lots of hopes
The life I craved for like any other soul

The Gist

Time waits for no one
But we wait for positive times
Tide waits for no time
But we wait to tide it over

Concepts 20

Prolonged prayers procedural rituals
ridiculed by many who claim a clean heart
by remaining captives of desires and hatred
knowing not that a clean heart treats all lives alike

Lazy Murmurs

Dejection peeps out when things go awry
Frustration surfaces when failures galore
Depression sets in when mind finds no solutions

What A Living!

We grow in stature by
erasing our mistakes
An eraser loses its life
for erasing our mistakes

Evolution And Salvation

After coming into existence through evolution
Mankind got power to think from Nature’s devolution
Faced everything initially in utter confusion
Realized later that they are under illusion

A Determined

Droughts in succession
can not stop sprouting
of grass after a rainfall
Repeated failures

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