Somanathan Iyer Poems

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Ganesa-The God Of Gods

I prostrate before you Oh my Lord! The Ultimate!
Kindly remove all our illusions and frustrations
You are the creator and You are the protector
Obstacles and opportunities all happen at your will

A Dark Night With No Moon

Far from the lights
Far from the village
A lonely shed
In the middle of the fields

Natural Comforts

The gentle kiss of a cool breeze
On a hot summer humid day
The soft sound of a sweet melody
Soothing the tired body and troubled mind


An act of ill deed is a pain for ever
makes hardly any amends if repented later
never to allow anger to take over the senses
for its impact remain beyond any repairs

Life Line

water is the lifeline for
everything that has life
ceases the life when
water becomes extinct

Sun And Summer

For hundred days every year up above in the home of Sun
Occurs a strange fight between the Sun and his sweet heart
Fierce is the sun for outside world fears his wife inside the house
Soured relations soar to the sky heralding Summer with fiery will

March Forward

Entangled with attachments
No route for you to escape
Problems all your own creations

The Uncontrollable

lags behind anything on earth
in keeping pace with speed of mind
faster than gales faster than lightning
moves the mind in tossing the brain

Cycle Of Life

Ends every life anytime after birth
departing time known to no one

myth to say freed is the soul after life

The Solitary Soul

O Soul! Sow never any seeds of attachment
Reaping the fruits of dismay looms large
Restrict your desires for objects of no-life
For they can't deceit you with acts of detachment

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