Lisa Cresswell Wilkinson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Asbo City-Fun

Crash, smash a flying bottle
Enters my back yard at full throttle
I missed the little blighters which is more than a pity
But thats just simple run of the mill when you live in ASBO City

Burnt Orange Sunrise.

Unaware of the firing motion
The moon reflects in her glazing eyes
Solitary motion distills the summer days
Transparent figures move in the burning sunrise

Colourful Rainbow.

R.ainbows in the sky reminders of you
A.lways feeling sheltered with the colours shining through

Morning Mis-Hap! -Fun

I rose from my pit at a quarter to six
only sleeping three hours I needed a fix (caffeine)
My eyes were all blurry and filled up with matt
As I stumbled downstairs I tripped over the cat

A Pantoum- Dancing Under The Stars

As she dances under the moonlit stars
Feeling the adrenalin rushing through her veins
For now she is alone, but not lonely
She makes her own music as her heart beats in time

Naughty Nursery Rhymes Again


I was not searching for answers
Curiosity brought me to you.
But I kept an open mind and my own point of view
Predicaments you told me

When We Were Young

Remember the nights we stayed out until dark
The songs we made up while we played in the park

Remember the names that we carved on the trees

A Pantoum - Alone On The Hillside

As she sits alone on the hillside watching the sunrise
Silence is golden, movement is absent
Upon the grassy fields she sees shadowing darkness
The freshness in the air surrounds her intensely

Haiku - Rainbow Light

Colours of the earth

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