Stanley Cooper Poems

Hit Title Date Added
No More The Yellow Brick Road

It’s not for real, much like a Hollywood set
As close to The World of Oz as we real folk get
Down the yellow brick road they go, arm in arm
To right all wrongs in Washington’s funny farm

Father Time

I’d like to visit Father Time so he could hear my gripe-in’
‘bout his reluctance to keep old folk from ever over-ripenin’
I’d let him know I think it’s downright criminal
To keep our time on earth so very short and minimal

Twentieth Of January,2009

Twentieth of January,2009
A day all Americans can toast with bubbly wine
A day to pride-fully cheer our citizens’ diversity
Ending Americas’ shameful racial adversity


I don’t have a drink affliction
Never been cursed with a smoke addiction
But must confess to one worse by far
I can’t resist a chocolate bar

Mission Accomplished

The Economy
Wall Street Bank Failures
Home Foreclosures Price Of Gas
Recession Inflation

The Large Square Peg In The Little Round Hole

Too many youngsters believe they can never belong
‘Cause some inept teacher assured them they’re always wrong
Brainwashed, they’ve been cast in the permanent role
Of the large square peg that can’t fit in the little round hole

He Is Oh So Clever

When some guy knows he’s oh so clever
Clever is what he’s never ever
He who thinks he’s never wrong
Has ignored reality far too long

Folksy_Betcha_Gotcha_And Winks

There are some, in this Presidential Campaign
Whom I won’t mention here by name
Their campaign methods deserve wide rejection
Appearing to be what they’re not, to win this election

Senior Moments

Senior Moments, moments of lapsing
Sometime buffer things sad or too taxing
The thought on the tip of the tongue
Is momentarily lost and far flung

Never Been To Nowhere

I’ve never been to nowhere
Not even from that bridge
It seems I’m always somewhere
Like Las Vegas or Northridge

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