Stanley Cooper Poems

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When Innocence Reigned

Revisit my past
When innocence reigned
I knew it would last
This life so unstained

City Of Brotherly Hate

Intolerance, U.S.A.
Where bigots live in disarray
Variance not abided
Thoughts and reason all one-sided

Who Would Have Thunk

Who would have thunk
To give the elephant a trunk
Or to give the eagle a beak
In place of a cheek

Between Our Ears

Between our ears it sits
Housing all our wits
The brain is so cranially important
We can only hope it’s not just lying dormant


I can’t for the life of me think about how
To explain the relative importance of now
Way way back when now was then
We never thought we’d have now again

Beyond One’s Nose

To see beyond one’s nose
A talent sorely needed
To correctly pre-suppose
Knowledge unimpeded


I have this hair-girl fetish
For hair with color toned reddish
While blondes and brunettes I relish too
My fetish favors that reddish hue

First Things First

There we were, on our flight to London, Paris and Rome
When I realized we must immediately return home
I insisted the Pilot turn the plane around
And get us back down on the ground

I Love You Jeanne

I love you Jeanne more than you know
I love you more than cats hate snow
I love you more than your eyes can see
You’re tastier than an anchovy

Remember Always

I’ll remember you always
A very loving concept
Driving along life’s highways
It’s an oath not easily kept

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