Stefanie Anonymous

Stefanie Anonymous Poems

There are things I wish to find
That in death I might see
All the hidden truths of life
Revealed there before me.

I have tasted the swell of honey on my tongue, I have danced with you through endless fields. I have had many a talk with you throughout the valley, flowers strewn through our hair, and have glided through the breeze made cool by diamond fields. I awaken now, and lest I be so bold as to ask for something more, it would simply be this:

I cannot express with pen or tongue the things which I have learned. For they were not seen with these blinded eyes and they were not touched with these mortal hands. I see this world before me now, so far away from where I've been. So mangled by the thoughts of men.

This memory will not linger,
This moment will not last.
It's just another breath of time
Life sweeps into the past.

There stood a Pine,
A tiny tree
So small, and all alone.
Who longed for nothing more than love;

Look into this child's eyes,
Look into his heart.
Search past his bones and pale white skin,
His fragile arms reach out so thin.

Sweet children, I must warn you
That by this time next morn
Something will be lost inside
As something else is born.

A name is a play upon letters
A timeless but cruel masquerade.
A pattern that redefines living,
A fortress that people have made.

Stefanie Anonymous Biography

Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie, I'm from Texas. I'm fairly new to this site, so i'm not exactly sure what to put in these nifty little boxes... :) If you'd like to know something about me, just message me and I'll be sure to write you back. Bye! Stefanie a Few Years Later: I'm not sure when I first joined this site, although it has been quite some time. It is interesting to see how much I have changed. I can even see my former self in my introduction :) I didn't have the heart to delet it, it was too amuzing. In gazing back at these poems, I've posted a few recent works, as well. Enjoy, and feel free to write me, critique me, or dropp in to say hello. I will still always write back. :))

The Best Poem Of Stefanie Anonymous

What Of Hell

There are things I wish to find
That in death I might see
All the hidden truths of life
Revealed there before me.

Why we weep, why we laugh,
What's the suffering for?
All the things that matter behind
Heaven's open door.

But what of hell? What if I fail
And never see the Lord?
The streets of gold denied to me
And questions all ignored.

The fires an angry God
Can never burn as hot
Than the heart of man in discontent
When purpose is forgot.

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