Michael Stylez Alexander

Michael Stylez Alexander Poems

Father I Never Knew

I have searched all my life for you yet I never found you
I have called out your name but you've never answered

a friendship forever cemented in time
I am forever indebted to you
I have been searching 4 a friend like u my whole life
I have been many miles, crossed many seas

My Letter 2 Love
by Steven B Ford

I love being in love with you.
 It's all I think about some days.
 I watch the sun during the day as it rises.
 How it climbs from behind the sea
 Sits a top of mountians.
 I love watching the wind blow through the trees
 The way it feels as whips across my face.
 Watching the birds chirp and fly throught the sky
 The color of the sea surrounding this island of love. 
 I love being in love with you.
 My heart is filled with love's emotion.
 My soul reaches out to grab the hand of that love.
 My mind is one with yours
 We think together, act together.
 I have butterflies when you tell me you love me
 I love being in love with you. Because it is you.
 I want 2 taste love's breath; breathing your air.
 You are love. You are love's song playing in my heart. 
 You complete me and I want to complete you.
 I am so in love with you.

The Best Poem Of Michael Stylez Alexander

Father I Never Knew

Father I Never Knew

I have searched all my life for you yet I never found you
I have called out your name but you've never answered
For the longest time, I've wonder am I just like you
It's the one thing that has haunted for the longest time
I don't know you but the thought of being like you scares me

For the longest time, I've wondered who I was
Whom I'm destined to become
I've always wondered was I to do the same things that you've done
Was I to do things I'm not proud of and not have a conscience about it
I've looked in many mens eyes wondering if it was you
Tears would fall from my eyes each time I found out my one quest still aludes me

There is a little boy whom I made a promise to long time ago
As a father to his son, I looked him in his eyes and said, 'you would never have to wonder who I am'
He would never carry the pain his father carries with not knowing you.

Any man can father a child but it takes a man to be a father

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