Steven Rodgers Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Night Lag

It hides, it sneaks, it creeps.
Absconded from my grasp,
And always sleeps.
A broken clasp,

Fair Heart

If fair the eyes then fair the heart,
And fair is fine and well to start,
But fair alone will not be fare,
To wear away this waning year,

Given Forth

Upon the wings of young angels borne,
Floating in the prized eye,
From the land of sacred father scorned,

Just Rest My Dear

Just rest my dear,
Let all your woes,
And worries go,
Settle on a finer thought,

The Gilded Seat

The gilded seat on high,
With decor of satin love,
Dressed, glorifies the dream,
Upon the tender breast,

The Call

Forboded call,
Not always though,
Oft the yearning,
Seperate from the soul,

Wisdom Of The Old

They say youth is wasted on the young,
I say wisdom on the old,
They say courage is wasted on the weak,
I think strength is on the bold,

Sweet Defeat

Keep your chin up son,
This is how life works,
The sour part of life,
Makes sweeter all the perks,

The Danger Of A Dream

It does not do to dwell on dreams,
The fancy of a whim,
The fish will ne'er take to the skies,
Though you should see him!

Fore In The Mourning

It's four, four in the morning,
Three from seven so far,
Two thoughts challenge my scorning,
One brilliant falling star. 

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