Subin Scaria

Subin Scaria Poems

A walk through the muddy road alone under a blazing sun
Makes you dive into your own depth.
Like the search for a tiny shadow
In the barren long stretch of baked mud.

While crows were playing
the last sheet of music in the electric strings,
I stepped into the redness of the evening.

The Best Poem Of Subin Scaria

A Lonely Walk Under The Boiling Sun

A walk through the muddy road alone under a blazing sun
Makes you dive into your own depth.
Like the search for a tiny shadow
In the barren long stretch of baked mud.

Hopes of yours and cries of your dreams
Come to you without fear even under the scorching sun.
They start to haunt you, dissect you
And extirpate yourself from your soul.
Yes, walking under the amber sun
Melts yourself, even your junk food ego.

The hopes and reveries of yours,
The last ice-cream with love, and the breakup
The last quarrel at home, and the last read book
Even the last met stranger
Everything starts to poke you without fear.
Being lonely even under the bright sun
Is like being amidst the creepy ghosts!

Laugh is a lie, and even being bold is a lie
When alone, all these lies crush to the bottom.
You start to fear your dreams,
The past starts to rebuke your failures
The still silence of the present rags you!

It is better not to be alone,
Especially under a boiling sun
It is injurious to your body as well as your soul!

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