Sunday Champion

Sunday Champion Poems

To some it is an unknown adventure
it means nothing,
Playing away time
not knowing it's life,


age set my pen on exile
into an aisle where ink
is sniffle from its nostrils.
and chases me into a dry land


Just like an eagle have I soar 
above the cloud

Behold many has fallen from this race
Beaten to the ground.
Feet crumbled
Voice silenced

It tunes on its tone
As it grows from the depth
Glowing on the universe 
It spreads its wings and flies

What a story I must tell!
Look at the world
that condemned me!
They predicted me a sloppy, sluggish boy that will end up a nobody

I see a picture
Which no one else can capture
It dwells in my heart;
I see a picture

When the sun rises
It tells a tale
A tale we can feel but can't behold

Woe unto me
if I ever thinks it's by my effort 

Woe unto me

Behold my corroboration!
Behold the called dreamers!
Though, he was undressed off 
his precious coat of scores of colours

As a child,  life was a misery
Which I didn't understand
What does it really means?
I knew not!

When I look at life
It is a misery I can't unfold
A story I can't tell
When I review yesterday

The unending tale
The tale that men long to read
The tale too difficult to find
The tale many has lost

There is a song I will never sing
A phrase I will never say
To many,
It seem so sonorous and easy to compose

Behold life!
the stage of all
Where thou shall act that which
Is written concerning you;

'oh! I love you very much that
i can die for you'
Woe to you!  
For It is a sin greater than shame to 

It is a misery I can't unfold
Of all seasons.......
Why was I born during the dry season,
When all things had crumbled?

The Best Poem Of Sunday Champion

What Is Life?

To some it is an unknown adventure
it means nothing,
Playing away time
not knowing it's life,
Some hope for a second half
then they'll be serious to win,
Not unaware that it's only an half
Deceiving their lips.

To some, it's the greatest wilderness,
full of storms, lack and troubles
To some, it's a desert;
not even a cup of water for a drink
To some, it's a great privilege
A once opportunity
to rewrite history,
These are the great minds

You are all right!
Let it be unto you as you've seen it;
To you, it may be a desert,
then you can be an oasis 
Where people shall gather 
to seek for water
in the midst of dryness,
Yes! You can the water

To you, It may be an adventure,
then you've got to go through it;
You can play the game
and be the best in it
Adventures kills not the courageous
All you need is a little courage
to face life;
Sail through the ocean

To you, It may be a wilderness,
then you can be like that forest 
with Indispensable resources,
If to you It's a privilege; then grab it
With both hands for it expires;
You're not here for yourself dear!
No excuse for failure
This is life in picture of the mind

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