Surya Kgr

Surya Kgr Poems

The twenty minutes journey seemed longer than usual,
I look around the milling crowd;
The familiar face nowhere to be found.
With a book in my hand and earphone plugged on;

The Best Poem Of Surya Kgr

The Journey Friend

The twenty minutes journey seemed longer than usual,
I look around the milling crowd;
The familiar face nowhere to be found.
With a book in my hand and earphone plugged on;
Thoughts being to cloud my mind.
Neither could I read the book nor the people,
The whole world seemed so vague.
When my thoughts start to go astray,
I realize!
The tired face which cheered me up,
Was nowhere to be found!
It was the face which carried rhetorical expressions.
It was the face which was weary yet lively.
It was the face nowhere to be found.
I sigh!
'Next station - Red Wood '
I hear.
The alarming voice woke me up from my slumber.
Only to realize it was late,
That I didn't alight earlier.
And yet the face was nowhere to be found!

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