Sylvia L. Wisner Molina

Sylvia L. Wisner Molina Poems

I Thank You...
For your Instructions and Directions for Life
Through your Beautiful, Truthful and Powerful Word
You inspired to be Written and left behind to be Heard

My Heart Searches by Faith with Hope for Peace,
more Laughter and overflowing Love
(To settle for less is a waste of my time, and a big old mess) Therefore..I plan to Roam in my own little Paradise
Right here on earth (His Original Plan)

Currently In Need
I wonder this place expecting to encounter a helping hand
(Something I myself would be more than willing to give)
But seems impossible to find

E Sonado irme al norte, Sin saber que es lo que me espera
Espero que sea algo Bueno, Pero aun me voy aventar
Porque aqui la vida es muy lenta, Y yo quiero mas

Life is what we make of it, So we Search, we Try to find Our Place
Our struggles, disappointments or failures
Should Never close our case
If I ask you for a Helping Hand, knowing it's within your reach,

What a long way You have come
From your Humble Beginnings to who you have become
Crossing in the trunk of a car to cross the borderline
A young teen that refused to be left behind, Or stopped

Everything I write comes from above
So... Pac since you're up there send me down your love
Hope you approve of this poem for You
When I wrote about the First African American President


Making it to the top, Top of my game
Conquering all, Love, Fortune and Fame
Living a life of which most can only dream
Still something missing deep down inside of me

I'm Angry as Hell at:
All You Mad Scientist sitting around dreaming up shit
That can Kill me, That can Kill Us(Humanity)
Just because You can't fathom living Drama Free

A Righteous Man...
Fears God and God alone
Never afraid to demonstrate Common Manners, Respect, and Kindness
When He speaks, He speaks with a voice of bass

Living my best life, until trials and tribulations sorted me out and broke me down grieving profusely
Suddenly depression was gone
Suddenly no longer felt all alone
Suddenly true family revealed and my body healed

The Best Poem Of Sylvia L. Wisner Molina

Thank You...Father

I Thank You...
For your Instructions and Directions for Life
Through your Beautiful, Truthful and Powerful Word
You inspired to be Written and left behind to be Heard
Thank You...Father

I Thank You...
For Listening and Hearing me
My cries out to You, Pleading for Answers and Help
And for giving me the Power from your very Spirit and Self
Thank You...Father

I Thank You...
For Speaking to me
For filling my eyes with tears, that ran down my face
And a Cheerful Heart to rest my case
Thank You...Father

I Thank You...
For giving me Wisdom and Understanding
For seeing Visions and for having Dreams of the things to come
Without Any evidence, very little to none
Thank You...Father

I Thank You...
For Holding me Up and Keeping me, Strong
Even when I'm feeling Down, Weak
And like I don't Belong
Thank You...Father

I Thank You...
For letting me know, You are always with me and all will be O.K.
For your Shield and Protection,
That Surrounds and Covers me from day to day
Thank You...Father

I Thank You...
For Life, although sometimes have seemed to be hard
But because you have always Stood Near,
It's a journey I will not disregard
And will accept with pleasure, this that You have chose for me,
For without You, It has no meaning
Thank You...Father

I Thank You...
For All Things, which would take an indefinite amount of time
And words to reveal
Family and Friends, plain and simple Good Ole Days
And even the sometimes rough climb from hill to hill
But never more than I could bare or a Powerful Amen could not Seal
Thank You...Father...With Love

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