TammyLee McSweeney

TammyLee McSweeney Poems

Next off the chopping block the angels scream.
Or so death be closer now then it would seem.
Stressed out, poured out crying now.
Blood now flowing pass me a towl.

The Best Poem Of TammyLee McSweeney

Is Life All About The Ca$h?

Next off the chopping block the angels scream.
Or so death be closer now then it would seem.
Stressed out, poured out crying now.
Blood now flowing pass me a towl.
Don't know what to do.
Got no money and I have not but a clue.
I took my life as it may.
Threw it away in dissarray.
Someone saw more in you lucky.
Friends there to support you when life gets muckey.
Pain and painic over come me.
So much now I cannot breath.
All over some stupid cash.
Might as well argue over and eyelash.
Yes I see it differntly to you all do.
Because I don't get told the full story instead treated like poo.
Soon enough I'll have a full time job.
Soon enough I'll show you who I can be
Soon enough you'll relise how I love thee.
Soon enough you will understand how much you mean to me.
Everyone has there dark days.
Everyone just cannot think there minds are just haze.
Today I just cannot seem to find.
The path that scribbled on it that its mine.
All I see is nothing.
All I see is air.
I can tell by the look on your face you dont even care.
You made me smile once before.
Now come on, Fine okay I was keeping score.
I just want to make you proud of me.
Like I want because I know you can be.

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