Tapiwa Chabinga

Tapiwa Chabinga Poems

At times,
It may seem like an escape,
But in the actual sense, its nothing close to escaping..

Be who you want to attract,
Before you start 'searching' for the right person,
Be the right person,
Find yourself,

There's an end to every year
Well this is it for you,
Everyday has been another,
Not to complain of.

There's only one you,
There could never be a more beautiful you,
No matter how many times you call yourself a fool,


One of the most abused gifts of life,
Even toothpaste commercials use it to advertise,
Brings pleasure whilst leaving others in deep strife,
Its one thing that creates soul ties,

The truth about holding a grudge
If you feel you have no reason to forgive someone,
Consider this one - forgive because you deserve peace of mind.
Holding a grudge is like making your worst enemy the center of your life,

The wind is blowing tirelessly,
Delicate flowers are falling,
Branches are all shaking vigorously,
And I learn something from them,

When you have nothing to write about,
But you want to write anyway,
Guess you can even write about having nothing to write about,
Like I'm doing right now.


Apparently life is more like a game,
You win according to how you play,
And winning isn't always reaching fame,
Sometimes its simply living with fulfillment in everyday,

Its an event,
It happens to all of us,
Its a great way to learn and never repeat a particular mistake.

It comes from within,
When your body fails,
Your spirit can uplift you.
When the body weakens,


I'm happy!
Not because everythings fine but because I'm alive,
And life itself is hope enough!

The feeling of feeling invisible;
Feels like dreams are impossible,
Because no one really sees you,
And it feels like about success, you have no clue,

You  were  born  beautiful,
From  your  head  to  your  toes,
Your  hair  to  your  nose,
And  your  complexion  to  your   supposed   'flaws',

The splendour of glory,
Stretched beauty
Across the universe
That none could reverse.

Created by perfection,
Not from without but with great intention,
Physically, you're flawless.
From your toes to your face,

At the moment you die,
You'll have known better than the day on which you were born,
So many things will be known,

Acrostic poems prompt
Creativity and require to be
Read with an
Open mind,


Pride hurts loved ones of the proud,
Pride kills love and patience,
Pride destroys harmony,
Pride irritates!

Tapiwa Chabinga Biography

Aspiring inspiration: D (yep I aspire to inspire) , I usually write to inspire positively, and most of my writings are inspired by reality. For more details, inbox me ;))

The Best Poem Of Tapiwa Chabinga


At times,
It may seem like an escape,
But in the actual sense, its nothing close to escaping..
It creates worse feelings,
Leaves loved ones depressed and confused,
And doesn't give your soul the rest it deserves upon leaving your body,
Suicide is never a solution,
Its a sign of weakness and hopelessness,
And we all reach that point,
But if we survived once,
We can always survive our difficulties..

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