Teddy temple

Teddy temple Poems

It totally costs nothing to smile
When you think of it you'll realise that it is worth
And a single smile can travel round the earth
It enriches those who receive it and its memory lasts forever

Friendship is like chains of gold
Shaped well in God's all perfect mould
A grip of the hand makes it strong
Good trust makes it last long

Where do they lead to?
Perhaps to the city of love
Or paradise
Where you'll get a lifetime thrill

I look up to the sky
I see clouds of love
With her in my mind
And also a melody in my heart

I listened to my heart
Held onto my faith
Never gave up the struggle
Even though it was full of pains and sorrows


You love the scent,
So do I,
Wish it would rain roses
And fill the bare valley with pink petals.

There, I seek comfort when my mountains erupt
My pillow when the the world's on fire
I feel strong on it
Like a sturdy tree planted by the stream

Tune me
To the sweet melody of your heart
Hold me close in your warm arms
Dazzle me with your romantic gestures

In the hazy sky
Angels blow trumpets loudly
Letting out an exterminating melody
And everybody sway to the symphony of destruction

It is an oil that takes friction out of life
Echoes of its words are endless
Hearts that embrace it are are golden
Tounges that speak its language are nourished

Lonely by the lake shore
So calm, quiet and the tides low
Staring at the horizon
Picturing if it would be a friendship zone

Take no chances as you struggle to live well
As opportunity comes once but temptations lean by the doorbell
Make use of them appropriately and don't always look pale

Always going by the words 'i don't care'
Would lead to consequences that are painful to bear
Not even whispering a little prayer
Would make things that better as life would seem to be a nightmare


When you tell it out, tell it slant
As it always hurt, and to always say it you must have learnt
Why it is good to dwell in honesty

Rather be a superb meteor
In which every atom of you is in a magnificent glow
Than a sleepy permanent planet that just exists

Rather be ashes

It is lovequake
The core of our hearts are shaken
All resistance crumbles
As love simply takes over

Before you decide to seek it, you seem to live on the margin
This form of justice seem to be fair
And it is neither provided by a kangaroo court
Nor one can elude it through bribery

Strong like a lion
Huge like mount Zion

Endures the pains and can bear the weight

Rain of gold
Wake my youth
Bring me fortune
Make my life colourfull like rainbow


Never mind what haters say
Ignore them till they fade away
Even if they criticize you in any way
Pay no attention to them any single day

Teddy temple Biography

born in Kisumu, i live in Nairobi and am stil a student. I have collection of poetry that i believe can inspire my readers and ignite a glow in their heart.Some of my work are published in magazines like white wash dreams.With flaming enthusiasm and courage, i'll continue writing and give my readers a thrill)

The Best Poem Of Teddy temple

Always Smile

It totally costs nothing to smile
When you think of it you'll realise that it is worth
And a single smile can travel round the earth
It enriches those who receive it and its memory lasts forever

We sometimes smile to hide tears and sorrows
Even if it is not real, smile is nature's best antidote for trouble
When you smile, you enlighten the the hearts of your counterparts
The going with life may seem to be tough
But always smile because it is the greatest weapon in life

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Teddy temple Quotes

Patience doesn't always pay, sometimes it comes with a huge debt.Teddy

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