Tenze star

Tenze star Poems

Every moment we spoke about life
Has touched our soul forever
The things we share, laughing with our funny stories
and forgetting every differences and above all connection we have!

The Best Poem Of Tenze star

The Connection We Have!

Every moment we spoke about life
Has touched our soul forever
The things we share, laughing with our funny stories
and forgetting every differences and above all connection we have!

Every moment you leave
Left my heart and soul cold
I see myself closer and because of you
I learned about loving every moment being with you.

We are connected, wide and deep,
Our differences stayed silent
Our feelings are blended, never undone for years
You are part of me!

A part of me will always be with you
and part of you will always be me,
We could come stronger without our differences
I miss every moment of ours!

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