Tenzin Tsewang Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Near You

Maybe many times I misunderstood you
But you didn't say anything either
Maybe I've wronged you in a thousand ways
But when you whisper my name, I was there and present.


Is it you
or is it me
Or was the weather
Who should we blame?

A Home In Exile

A home in exile is a search of tranquil stone
In between still lake and wrathful ocean.

A lost soul construct with foreign tongue in old shadow,

Our Story

We being with love,
before red sweetheart, we have our own glory, golden age. Our enlighten father gave this earth love and our mother produce compassion music from barbaric flute.

We have our share of shame

I See You

I see you,
When I hear Cuckoo sings
And flower breaths to spring call.

For Love

For love,
You have to allow someone into your secret room,
to take the fragrance of your hidden things,
Your fear of exposure.

Little Poe

Once in a town named Low,
There lived a man named Pow,
There in Low,
Pow loved a girl named Pooh,

Pala & Amala

Some night, night is long like enlightenment scheme
Pala doesn't understand what's there on offer
Some acts of illusion, few words on devotion
Morally trick him as Buddhist project

Become His

The soul that is not safe without you
Or without him you're not secure
Become his only, whatsoever
Howsoever, just become his only.

I Love You

When the cold wind blows
During slow sun set
The breeze blows me away
to another country,

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