Terence George Craddock Poems

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One Lifetime One Chance Stacked Odds

it is true that each life
has only one lifetime
and one chance to reveal
all potential all possibilities

Babies Born With Short Straw Odds

babies born with life threatening
illnesses life threatening deformities
may but a single breath live transpire
immediately or experience ephemeral

Straw Lives Flickering Lights Passing

it seems a lesson for the living
not for brief flickering lights
passing into lost death nights
not lessons for brain impaired

A Perfect Poem

you cannot have a perfect person
you cannot have a perfect life
but you can have a perfect poem

We Are Not Born Equal

I could easily argue
that God is not fair
that babies are born

One Paramount Rule: From First To Third World

acknowledge the crime obvious
throughout the entire net world
in the most rich elite technology
advanced countries in the world;

Life Reduced To Crazy Bean Counter Values

neglect obvious has dimmed awareness
beneath shattered lives hopes dreams
pain feelings suffering in fog minds
abandoned when house of cards fell;

Covid 19: A Masked Life Reality

The Secret Is To Let Them Down Easy

when you were young and wise a teenager
when girls looked at you with puppy dog eyes
you had an easy choice not to hurt their hearts
if you knew exactly what they wanted in their hearts

Dreams Blink In Out Of Existence Upon Waking Whims

writing in dreams can achieve seamless perfection glorious

to write a poem perfect in a dream is an energizing bliss
but to remember the poem upon waking is not a near miss

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