Terry Brewer Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Beneath The Waves - Seychelles Islands

Beneath the surface of the blue, blue sea
Is a place I love to be,

I Sit And Look At Photographs

I sit and look at photographs
And say I love you so
A thousand miles between our laughs
Yet they travel to and fro

A Few Haiku (2)

Me - you what to do?
I do not quite understand

My Prayer

Written by Reg Brewer, my father in 1922 when he was 17.
These are words he choose to live by - me too.

My Water Ski

My water ski, she is a beauty
Now she’s painted bright red and black

Where Did We Come From - I Don'T Know Do You?

Once upon a time
We climbed from primordial slime.
Was it one cell, or two?
Well - at most just a few

Lost Love

Once I could laugh with anyone
Because, you see, I had a Sun
Her beauteuos rays would light my life
I wished that she would be my wife

Thoughts From The Seychelles Islands

The sun carresses this granite isle
Where quietness rules the day.
The other world is sometimes grim,
here we smile, it is the Seychelles way.

Dark Day

Emerging from the doldrums
reaching for the light,
is it worth the trouble?
is it worth the fight?


Time is so very slow
And yet so quick
What makes it so
What makes it tick?

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