Tess Connor Poems

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Daddy Part One

I remember when I was little daddy, I asked you what that was
You said “that’s not good for you”, daddy you said that just because
I have always looked up to you daddy, you were the bestest bloke
Until it occurred to me daddy, that a smoke is a smoke...

I'M Sorry, My Friend

12 hours on studying my wrists carved with cuts
Shaking my head in utter disgust
Listening to a million thoughts rushing through my head
Removing the sheets of my blood stained bed

Robin, I'M Sorry

As bad as this is and as horrible as I feel
I just cannot get myself to heal
I’ve tried many times to stop this confusion
But the continuum of my life is just one big delusion

Serene, Forever Stillness

Resting my head in a bunch of towels, laying on the floor
The silence of a stir-less night, never felt so alone before
Forgetting what was said to me, forgetting what I’d done
Running away from all my fears, as fast as I could run!

One Big Lie

I say I’m not scared of death, or afraid to die
But maybe I am and this is one big lie
If I weren’t scared, I wouldn’t be writing these things
I’d be out there with my razor doing myself in


I get a sudden jolt of energy when our eyes catch
The feeling of absolute certainty we are the perfect match
When you hold me close to you and I listen to your beat
I think the most wonderful thoughts and how to me you are so sweet

Kisses Goodbye

quitting feels so easy as I raise the lips
the kisses on my arms, they tickle and trickle
the warming and cooling sensation sets my smile

One Easy Move

Fast flowing blood, pumping through my veins
Slashing it free, releasing my inner pains
Blood trickling slowly, my eyes open wide
Troubles, confusion, no desire to stay alive

Electric Feel

When everyone turns their backs on me, when the world leaves me for dead
I recall all forbidden memories; try to remember what was said
All life’s lessons, all the rules, the things I’m meant to know
Somehow escape my muddled mind; fear and tension begin to grow

Portrayed Love

You see there is this guy, and I don’t know what to do
He’s fallen in love with me and I think I’m crushing on him too
But we live so distant, so far away, so apart from each other
And I don’t see him as a partner, more as a mate or as a brother

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