Bri Edwards Thanks Poems

Here's a poem for you to steal
Just take it; don't be shy
I'm sure the man who wrote it has
An adequate supply.

'Don't forget to take your school book today! '
[Manu's mum sent him off to school; HE'd rather play.]
He took his book, and his tiffin, filled with sweet lunch curry.
He started out slowly; Manu was in NO hurry.

I had no great great grandad;
it sometimes makes me so mad.
But if I'd had such a gr-gr-gr-dad,
I'm sure he'd have been v'y, v'y bad,

A man called his wife for a hug.
“ I love you but there is a bug” …
came my wife’s reply.
And as much … I did try,

Before children had books OR TV,
what DID they do? Now you'll see.

They hunted, or were carried....

Do not struggle, R.A.Poteet.
With gray... you can't compete.
Curl it, comb it, tease it too,
but fighting gray.... will not do!

My Dear Showcase-Readers, I, Bri, have made a change in format, HUGE.
I hope, with irate messages from YOU, I don't become flooded aka deluged!
Due to constraints on my time here in RAINY northern California these days ….
AND to the idea of saving readers some time perhaps, I'm changing my ways.

As I perused the list of poems by Madathil R. Nair,
I suddenly noticed: "I Am A Butterfly! " ………there.
This got my brain cells [I still have a few] working.
Yes, my head started to rock. It was wildly jerking! !

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