the bluemarine

the bluemarine Poems

In the Devil's words a world i say
In times that lived to be
times that held me in play
there was a harbour by a sea,

As I see tonight, a bit clearer too,
That time has turned a threat to me
A price that seems fitting, for letting
Me flow through this endless streak

Silence, they call it, of what,
I may never know, and it won’t ever matter.
The strange custom before a storm, was stranger,
Today, as a guest in proceedings of war.

By the hill top, lying on a dark stretch,
i saw her, the blue canavas showed me her,

The Best Poem Of the bluemarine

The Ship

In the Devil's words a world i say
In times that lived to be
times that held me in play
there was a harbour by a sea,
the harbour in its mists profound,
and none but a vessel to be seen
here life bore the burnt from time..
become a saddest place the place could be
in the sand filled ruin where men would sing,
the most drunken air in this sober plea,
when the lads were ready and the walls were neat,
and moon set wild upon the sea,
a lore was told, as a lore is told,
with a dreaded eye and an ancient coot,
there was a ship that sailed the sea,
in a time when life didn't know of seas
the deity of the waters wild,
the priests, a captain and a crew they say,
all brothers from the coldest night,
it set sail on a similar day,
as now, when we repeat its fate,
the wind was good and the tide would hold,
the beloved strongest ship it was told,
set out to sea, to a distant shore,
all sails were high, all waves were low
but when night fell on the day it left,
terror breached the shore back home,
it was mother earth, and her water broke,
but instead of life, a death was born
washed away, and all it took,
all but misery and folks to put it through,
like a haystack rolling in the dust,
every passing night that dawned from dusk
the salted fields, another curse,
the grain would nomore feed the husk
every seaman's mile the big boat sped,
the rage grew worse upon their chest
and on and on it went on for an age,
the spirit choked them, their spirit was dead,
but the captain and the crew at sea,
had never been on a better way,
the fortune and the pompous pleasure,
with which they left was here to stay,
it was strange enough, they didn't feel the same,
they say a king's pleasures never left too late
the breeze was steady and no mist to show,
on and on, they sailed on,
to just another day, but uncalled for
back on shore,7 days to know,
what wealths the ship would bring them all,
a little man, just like them all,
but like them all before the storm,
from wherever, now was seen alot,
not seen as still, but heard alot,
say some troubled words,
in a voice untroubled,
a voice too soft to be one of them at all,
'This be a curse, it always was,
another whim of the shining dead,
the ship is the way, to call it to rest.
ask, and all but the empty haunt hits the bed
stay, and be loyal, if thats your way,
to those you are loyal shall never see you again'
and so the lore is told to be,
all living with an eye to see,
would witness the little man late after night,
with a spyglass in his hand held tight,
looking out into the open sea,
as if to where the ship was to be.
and now from here, every voyage's past,
a choice was made, a choice one of these,
for when they chose to burn the sailors,
the town would live, but the lads never seen,
did the ship sink them?
no, the ship was free,
on the beach, a handless spyglass facing thee,
next break, back on its perch to be,
forever a haunted mystery,
but if was showed, what we say,
the human or foolish face of they,
the skies and sun and salt would burn,
their skins and throat, till all was left was bone,
and the ship returned all, in its pride,
but to none that it had said goodbye
and of course the spyglass lay on the beach,
in line with the ship so rich and grey,
the sailors lived, lived it well through time,
built a town from the ashes of the dead.
and when enough time had been told, for this town to say,
say this is a myth per se
another wily crew, on the ship set sail,
for it is a curse, and so it shall be,
forever and ever till we wish it be,
and as you leave on this journey today,
we bless u in the almighty's name,
and by his grace we ask you to say,
your final pledge to your happiest face,
for God forbid, and we say he won't
you'll never see that face like so
out to add to this morbid score,
as you leave, before you leave the shore,
this tale so true in itself we tell,
and like every whence thus your fate rest
before on and on you heave,
do ponder upon a little deep
it will ever remain and has always been,
the ship that sailed but could never leave,
the dead man's spyglass by the sea

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