The Mowjo

The Mowjo Poems

Take me back to the sea,
Where I used to be free,
And I could be who I am,
When I wanted to be,

White as the Snow, Black as the night,
Seek the truth and know what’s right,
See the answers all unfold,
White and black will turn to Gold,

An Angel passed my way today,
And left a feather just to say,
I’ll help you, watch you, be your guide,
I’m always with you by your side,

The funeral was over,
And all the mourners gone,
We’re going to miss you Sailor,
But guess your work here’s done.

I sailed the Sea of this Earths tears..
I’ve seen the hurt and felt her fears..
I’ve seen the things that man has done..
And seen what we must overcome..

The day I left your side my Lord,
To set our people free,
You thought I had deserted you,
You turned your back on me,

Silent tears and things unsaid,
A child wishing they were dead,
The silence of that empty room,
Knowing what will happen soon,


I met a man today who wasn’t really here
I said how are you doing, He said I feel quite queer
I asked him what his name was, and he said I don’t know,
He said I saw this light, and just knew I had to go,


Tick-Toc, Tick-Toc, Tick-Toc each time that dammed clock Tick-Tocs,
Another second of my life passes, but does it pass on the Tick or the Toc,
You may say does it really matter? To me it does it’s my life passing,
I remember times when time stood still for me,

Four minutes fifty-nine seconds until the Sequence begins,
And the point, at which you may become part of my life,
Or the point, at which you become just another name in the past,
Should I accept you, there would be no turning back,

In the silence of the night,
You called out,
Talk to me I am listening,
In the silence of the night,

Tears of an Angel wrapped in sorrow,
Tell me why you fear tomorrow,
And why the pain so deep in you,
Stays hidden away, and not in view,


In a distant land of the great Boboo,
Where everyone knows just who is who,
And the Boboo’s all have knees of Blue,
With feet of green, well a funny hue,

I never realised until I watched while you were sleeping,
Just how beautiful you are,
The soft moans you gave were like a haunting song,
That somehow echoed in the stillness of the night,

Suzanne, you were a wondrous child,
You suffered all your life,
And to all you met gave happiness,
Though your world was full of strife

The Answer to our existence,
Exist only in the infinite realm of,
The Creator,
Seek the peace that comes from within,

I can look through the eyes of a parent,
But see through the eyes of the child,
Think back to when I was a youngster,
And things that made my parents wild.

The journey you take, has begun,
Where one is two, and two are one,
I’ll speak through you, you’ll see through me,
All will be clear your mind set free,

I gazed upon a red rose,
And thought I saw perfection,
Then I found a tiny flaw,
And then upon reflection,

Gabrael my trusted guide,
Why do you never speak?
Gabrael, my special friend,
Why do you never sleep?

The Mowjo Biography

I have been writing on and off for over forty years now, most of it long lost and long forgotten, so most of my stuff now is from the last five years, I have never had a use for clever words, I like to keep things simple and to the point, for me it's about conveying a feeling, If my poetry does that for you, my efforts have not been wasted, much of my earlier work is of a Spiritual nature, but in the last year my own thoughts have crept up on me and ended up written down, most of my scribblings have just sat on my computer for years, appearing only on the odd web-site, until I met Slim and Sally Clarke, encouraged by them both that they deserved more, I decided to share them with others, so thank you Slim and a special thanks to Sally for your kind words, , , , , , , Mowjo, , , , , , ,)

The Best Poem Of The Mowjo

Dolphin Dreams

Take me back to the sea,
Where I used to be free,
And I could be who I am,
When I wanted to be,

Take me back to the sea,
Where my mind can be free,
And I can think what I want,
When I want to think free,

Take me back to the sea,
Where my eyes once could see,
So I can see what I want
And who, I want to see,

Take me back to the sea,
Where my heart can be free,
And I can dream once again,
Of who I used to be,

Take me back to the sea,
Where my soul can be free,
Now my time here is done,
And at long last I’m FREE.

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