Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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Shipwrecked in the middle of the sea
Consumed by thrashing waves of misery
Weariness is cast upon a lonely shore
Slowly abandoned dreams are restored

You’re Invited

She wears an exquisite
Wide-brimmed hat of shade
Adorned with delicate flowers
Perfect for an Easter parade

The Endless Day

Gypsy girl without a home
Traveling from town to town
Never dwelling in one place
Spirit free… with eyes of brown

Satisfied Hunger

The big brown bear
Roamed into the town
He toddled to the square
With a snarl and a frown

Jelly Beans

There are a variety of colors and flavors
Soft with gooey sweet tastes to savor
Pick a color and guess what’s in store
All are favorites… sneak back for more


Is everything prearranged and destined to be?
Does destiny have an upper hand…or is choice ours?
Are events in the future predicted with accuracy…
Ahead of scheduling…by the position of the stars

A Portrait

Beauty on canvas draws scrutinizing attention
A likeness capturing breath on a flat dimension
Eyes with peaceful joy have an inner glow
Your fixed gaze makes inquisitiveness grow

Riches Of A King

The riches of a king I have
None gilded with precious gold
Peace of mind with family fed
These are the treasures I hold

I Am

I am the sweetness of honey from the bee
I am the fragrance from the magnolia tree
I am the soil beneath your feet lending
The strength upon which you are depending

Satin Glass

The night fills with dimmed hues and unforeseen surprises
Opalescent moonbeams dance lightly on rippling streams
Opaque curtains of solitude surround before sight realizes
Transforming summer splendor into a muted rush of dreams

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