Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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Unexpected Surprise!

It was a surprise to discover…
You took a breath to recover.
Yes, we were expecting an addition.
There seemed to be some opposition.

The Links Of A Chain

The links of a chain that I wear
Are held together with a prayer.
A clasp of purpose holds it securely
So that it will not release prematurely.

Lightening Storm

The clouds are filled with negativity
When they meet up with positively…
They battle and produce electricity.

Tiffany Lamps

Tiffany lamps are an absolute delight.
They have a glow that improves the sight.
Lovely cut shapes of glass are translucent.
Radiant hues are leaded and gently bent.


I cannot believe the rumors that are tossed about.
Spoken with half-truths from an animal with a snout.
Isn’t it funny how the story is swelling out of sorts?
Eyewitness accounts relayed by secondhand reports.

Is It Your Obligation?

You fixate on buying something new.
You are among the fortunate select few.
Do you think that it is your obligation?
Possessing because you live in an affluent nation.

Freedom Of Speech

Freedom of speech is held in great esteem.
It is a freedom that is not meant to demean.
Think before you speak; take responsibility.
Thoughtless words that degrade cause hostility.


When your parents named you.
They wanted you to be unique.
Others now modify and construe.
Rhyme couplings that critique.

Romantic Rhyme Master

I read the poems of a romantic rhyme master…
Hearing words that make my heart beat faster.
I taste the luscious nectar from lips so tender.
I smell the red roses bending sweet surrender.

Sweet Rhonda Wright

She was long awaited, now she has everything.
She has the delightful scent of flowers in spring.
With golden curls and a giggle that is quaint…
Rhonda Wright is the essence of lovability that ain’t.

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