Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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A feeling of uncertainty
Is lurking in the shadows
I see the light of destiny
Luring me into tomorrows

A Name

A given name is selected with the utmost care
Knowing that the choice will label the future
Identifying a child for the rest of their days
Creating an official validation for a signature


She knew how to drive a tractor
And how to hitch a plow…
She fed the chicks and milked the cows
Her cheeks were rosy; she was proud

Releasing The Bond

There are those who mean everything to your life
Those who’s extended breath you strive to preserve
Those who have given you more than you deserve


Feeling comfortable with what you have
Thinking all is free from annoying woes
Inattentive and basking in contentedness
Returning to emptiness…that’s the way it goes.

A Bizarre Bovine Tale

Early one morning …high in the Alp mountains
A farmer decided to go to market and sell his cows
Mooing critters walked up a ramp to the bed of his truck
The guarded crib had very limited space to carouse

Hopeful Change

The polls have closed
Results will soon be disclosed…
Citizens anxiously wait
As numbers calculate

Fantasy Vs Reality

Running away and joining the circus
crosses my mind through out the day
I'll flag down a rainbow colored carousel
and ride away on a brightly painted fantasy

The Persuasion Of A Child

Young children are architects with high hopes
Their soulful eyes and the word 'Please...'
Create persuasion; like honey from the bees.

Moving Forward From The Past

The corridors may be narrow or wide
Others may accompany or travel may be solo
A hopeful stride is brisk and filled with pride

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