This really Stinks

This really Stinks Poems

'I'l do my loving somewhere else! '
I shouted,
slamming the door behind me
the clang of metal

The Best Poem Of This really Stinks

Remembering Margaret

'I'l do my loving somewhere else! '
I shouted,
slamming the door behind me
the clang of metal
richocheting off the walls of that old tenement building
like pots and pans
in the hands of a 2 year old.
at a walmart bakeoff!

Yes, I remember Margaret..

I had just graduated college
and I was working 2 jobs
one at the fone company
piled high to the sky
with irrate customer complaints,
and the other
at night for a colllection agency
chasing down dead beats
for their every last nicket and dime.
She was sitting in the cubicle next to me
headphone strapped to her neck like a noose,
and she put that cable
around my neck
and took me home with her one night.
She had those 3 inch nails,
ruby red
and sharp as razors,
slicing into my skin
right through my soul every time we made love
on that couch that stunk of sweat,
her lips pressed to mine so tight
I had bruise marks for a week,
told me they were love bites, hickies
but I knew she had put her brand on me
letting the world know I was hers
not that any sane woman would ever have me.

But today, we had it out!
in one ulgly noisey altercation.
She wanted my baby.
and the world didn't need another me!

I felt sorry for him already.

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