Thomas Vaughan Jones Poems

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Lying in bed, so snug and warm
we listen to the awesome storm.
The lightning flash, the thunder’s roll
bring trembling to the bravest soul.

A Flight Of Fancy

Come spread your wings and fly with me, my love;
Let earthly passions swiftly pass us by.
and as we soar above an errant world
we'll sing a song to make the angels sigh.


Do not forsake me my Myfanwy
I dread each moment we’re apart.
Please hold me in your arms Myfanwy
the way I hold you in my heart.

Leaf Fall

Gone is the supple sap of Spring
And leaves hang limply from the sovereign tree
Remembering the time the world was young
And days were green in their fecundity

I Married A Somnambulist

The hall clock struck twelve, I retired to bed,
put out the light and laid down my head,
whispered goodnight as we both turned to sleep
sank into slumber so restful and deep.

Dancing In Sonnet Time

If anyone should feel inclined to try
to write a sonnet, I will understand
that first you may feel diffident and shy.
Pick up your pen and let me guide your hand.

Didactically Firing Blanks

If poetry is not disposed to rhyme
Would it still honour metrical display;
Could lyrics sing and still maintain the tune
and ballads hold their pleasing harmony?

Reflections From An Old Man’s Diary

Yesterday we set the vine
with quickened heart and supple limb.
We drank from eager honeyed mouths,
played Harlequin and Columbine;

Attention. Elvis Alert.

I was sitting at the traffic lights
and looking straight ahead;
I was pumping up the motor for
the traffic lights were red,


I gaze upon these leaves which once were green,
adding such splendour to the verdant scene;
Firm in their footings, dancing in the breeze,
flirtatiously carousing at their ease;

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