Tom Courtney Poems

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How Day Is Done

Habit struck my hand today
I felt its sting - I pulled away
It said: get up and grab your drawers
Shower shave and close the doors

Dying For Love

From a million a thousand
I narrowed it to one
We married and ventured
til all came undone


You stood at the small rusty pump
because Mommy gave you a chore to do
Mommy said to go and fetch water
for breakfast we’ll prepare hot noodles

Gift (The)

Stripped down, played out,
run around, left over and set aside
She said to love another
as if anyone could just pull a trigger

Christmas Sells

Dashing through the mall
the last day’s sale parade
Through the stores we charge
spending all the way

How Did You Know?

'At sea once more we had to pass the Sirens, whose sweet singing lures sailors to their doom. I had stopped up the ears of my crew with wax, and I alone listened while lashed to the mast, powerless to steer toward shipwreck. Odyssey, Book XII

And how can I thank you?
You showed me I’m wrong

Poet (The) You See

I wouldn’t be doing my job
if I didn’t tell you what
I’m thinking
now would I?


I think I ‘ll write a poem
the reason being that I have so much to say
so much wisdom to impart
how could I hold myself back?

Silly Things

a daily moment
Two worlds now
Without and within
Without so without

Things We Say

Life goes on
I’ve seen it all before
People come and people go
Perhaps I am more fortunate

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