Tom Zart Poems

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Abundance & Need

Blessed are those who hunger for love
Who learn life’s secret of abundance and need.
For they shall be satisfied by God Himself
As by faith they overcome shame, fear and greed.

Love Your Neighbors

When Jesus commands “To Love Our Neighbors”
He’s preaching to serve others as our deeds are sown.
His life was an example how to love people
As we learn to survive relationships of our own.

Mitt Romney = I Love Being Loved By You

My life overflows with happiness
As my favorite dreams come true.
My days and nights are magical
Because of everything you do.

Robert E. Lee = 1860

Cannons are bursting hot metal from the ground.
Soldiers are looting and burning our town.
The fever of fear rushes through my veins
As too many Bluecoats jump from troop trains.

Thanksgiving Love

It's a time of plenty and a time for prayer
A time for families to gather and share.
It's a time to remember those pilgrims past
A time to celebrate life, while it last.

Facebook & Starbuck Poem

Facebook has become a world of its own
As hearts and souls communicate and relate.
There's always someone 24 hours night and day
To converse with, respond to or debate.

Starbucks Poem = Christmas Love And More

Christmas is coming and I'm all alone,
With no one to snuggle at night.
My wineglass is empty to help dull the desire
To kiss you by soft candlelight.

Dads & The Loneliness Of War

Where would I be without you dad
My hero of night and day
I'm so glad you love my mother
And think of us when you pray

Tears & Sorrow = Denver 2012


Tears are the raindrops of the soul
And there's one for all who die.
They are the silent words of grief
As they fall free from the eye.

Starbucks & Facebook Poems


Around 1615 coffee came to Western Europe
Raising a huge controversy and warning cry.

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