Tom Zart Poems

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Patience, Forgiveness & Trust

Patience is hard to learn, master and maintain
As life is fast and time is running out for all.
No one enjoys practicing patience as a trait
As Abraham at 100 had Isaac by God’s call.

Every Other Night, Love & Sex

If it was left to me and my desire
I would seek satisfaction every other night.
I would enjoy your divine, God given love
And hold you forever close and tight.

Esther’s Love, The Bible & Now

Esther of God’s Bible became a king’s queen
Risking all for the sake of love.
She saved her people form total extinction
By responding to her call from above.

Armor Of God, Faith & The Mystery Of Prayer

Put on the whole armor of God
And soldiers we shall be.
Fighting the powers of darkness
Who thirst for the souls of the free.

He Power Of Love, Faith & Courage

The power of love transforms our soul
As we live for deliverance from sin.
Ready to defend and protect what's right
Loving our Lord, family or friend.

Cowboy In Love

I’m just a cowboy who’s madly in love
God sent an angel from Heaven above.
She is so beautiful both inside and out
Her love for me is what life is about.

Starbucks Poem = Christmas Love And More

Christmas is coming and I'm all alone,
With no one to snuggle at night.
My wineglass is empty to help dull the desire
To kiss you by soft candlelight.

Thanksgiving Love

It's a time of plenty and a time for prayer
A time for families to gather and share.
It's a time to remember those pilgrims past
A time to celebrate life, while it last.

Facebook & Starbuck Poem

Facebook has become a world of its own
As hearts and souls communicate and relate.
There's always someone 24 hours night and day
To converse with, respond to or debate.

Sex + Body Heat 1o5 & Life


Where would we be without sex
Like coffee minus the sugar and cream.
As Adam was before he knew Eve
With no purpose to dream or scheme

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