Tom Zart Poems

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Adversity & Faith

God may place us in deep waters
But He doesn't wish us to drown.
Adversity shows us ourselves
As to others we smile or frown.

Starbucks Poet = Body & Soul On The Web!

The powers of darkness still thrive today
As much as anytime in the past.
Babies grow up to become kind or cruel
Judged by God's wisdom and love to the last.

Over & Over & Over Again

Where are the love ones who march in a line
Where are the soldiers your child and mine?
What about the dreams they left behind
What about the tears which trouble their mind?

Mark Zuckerberg Poem

A thousand years from now may my legacy be the same
That I was a giver not a taker to avoid, flee or blame.
Just Heaven's messenger to the hearts and souls of others
Leaving our world a better place for sisters and brothers.

Donald Trump Poem = The Presidency 2016

Those who wish to be President
Must practice what they teach.
For their people need inspiring
To believe what they preach.

Donald Trump Poem = Sometimes

Sometimes I ponder what life is about
Sometimes I pray to overcome my doubt.
Sometimes I'm right sometimes I'm wrong
Sometimes my days are words of a song.

God Is Aware

What is America becoming day and night
More importantly what can She achieve?
If we reclaim that which made Her great
We'll have less to fear, overcome and grieve.

Google = Tom Zart Youtube

I'm God's most published poet
Whose poems have meter and rhyme.
Stories of love, faith, hate, honor and duty,
Obedience, war, heroes, history and crime.

Lenexa Policeman Poem

Misdeeds were put here as a test for mankind
And too many race down the wrong path.
Greed, hate, lust and perversion are Satan's tools
In his workshops of corruption and wrath.

Husband In Love

I'm just a husband who's completely in love
God sent an angel from Heaven above.
She is so beautiful both inside and out
Her love for me is what trust is about.

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