Tracey Owens Poems

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Plain Jane

Plain, feels as though nothing is special about her.
Just simple and ordinary.
She is unremarkable to herself.
She thinks nothing great about herself.

The Lake House

As I step out on the porch,
The air rushes around me.
I fee the coolness of it
As it passes on by.

Needed Guidance

You have taken a path with me.
You, my friend, have chosen to
Stay by my side and protect me.
Protect me from myself and

Story Behind Her Eyes

Behind the lies and the tears
theres a story to be told.
A girl that shows
sadness in her eyes.

Something To Fear

Something we fear is becoming reality.
It prays on the life of innocents,
grabbing any life It can take.
This fear takes the life

Nothing Left

Everything that I once had is gone.
The life I had is now just a memory.
My old life is fading away and theres
no way in getting it back.

Miracles In Life

Little miracles are happening everyday.
When someone is about to slip away
someone or something catches them.
When we are down on our knees praying

Flaming Hate

A flaming torch has been through my heart.
It ignited the hate I have for you.
My hate is so strong,
nothing will extinguish the flame.

Final Goodbye

I want nothing else from you.
Never show that you care about me
because it will only hurt me more.
I wish to walk out of your life

What Is Hope?

Is it something that one sees,
or is it just there to guide us.
Does it bring one dreams,
or does it bring dispair.

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