Tracy Abel

Tracy Abel Poems

By TW Abel

My thighs are bruised black from waiting here too long.
The pain penetrating my heart

The Best Poem Of Tracy Abel

Color With Clutter

By TW Abel

My thighs are bruised black from waiting here too long.
The pain penetrating my heart
Comes from your over-bearing cells
Attacking and eating my insides.
My brittle bones stem from youth misuse. I'll show you-

You wrestle within me still.
Two-of-a-kind, we've become. Our egos feed off of each other
And attack like two Betta Splendens, living in the same shallow bowl;
Fighting till the death, for all to see.
Your coldness has left me frozen. Bitter.
Two-of-a-kind we've become, like two icicles; sharp-edged,
And melting of sadness; Frozen together,
But dripping apart
Into dirty puddles, waiting to be evaporated and reused, again.

Now, when I close my eyes,
My brain correlates color
With clutter.
Like a kaleidoscope filled with shapes, brights, and dimensions-
It's dizzying. But it's better than the dullness of the day before me.
So, I close my eyes again and fall right-side up.
Throughout summer, winter infests me still.
Still, I am cold and dreary. Longing
For sunlight to wash over me, to awake my soul;
To shake, shift, and shovel the snow
That has buried me.

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