Trinidad Villafranca

Trinidad Villafranca Poems


Lust in silence
Lust defiance

Lust crept in with no warning

Glamour in a bottle
She begins to apply
Transparent heels
Her body she reveals

Will you ever think of your little girl?
Will you ever wonder where she is?

There in the kitchen not on the table but on the floor
Lays a baby dying to breathe crying for more
Wanting to be loved like every baby does

My First Steps...
Momma you weren't there you to see.
My First Words...
Momma you weren't there to hear.

Held down to the ground
He lacerates her open
Three words spoken
A simple 'I Love You'

Once there was a girl
Who simply had a dream For you to love her. But you loved me

She wanted you..You wanted me...or so you said.I said goodbye


You laugh cause my heart is breaking. you dont know
your the cause. how can i belive you when you say
you'll love me forever when i've seen forever turn
into a day so how can i be so sure your here to

How could you do this to me?
How could you do this to her?

I thought everything was going perfectly

With every breath I take I fall.
Pain is so overwhelming.
It's like holes in my path that keep me surrounded
It is what it is nothing more nothing less.

After you walked out did you ever stop to think was it worth it?
I can�t remember mom�s lullaby she left because she couldn�t do it alone.
You both left and didn�t even stop to say goodbye.
Crying wondering was every one went.

They say the end is near.
Are they simply words to strike fear?
And this anti-christ when will he appear?
Obama the Anti-christ yea thats what I hear.

What do I mean to you?
How much do I mean to you?
Am I just a place to press your lips when you feel a void?
If not why am I left destroyed?

How will you be remember after your dead and gone?
That’s a question I have asked my self plenty of times.
Will it be positive will it be negative?
Or will I be remember at all?


The clouds they hover over me sheltering me from the sun
bits of moisture trapped wanting to be felt caught in reality.
Covered in scars they become invisible to society. We are
so much more than what you see. There is a mystery behind

Problems come and go
just as the wind carries snow
and all thats sure to stay
is the bed in which you lay.

Every time I left you, you ran to her.
They said leave him and if he comes back he really loves you
You said you loved me.
You said my love was weak but I knew the

A collection of perfection
No need for correction
He's a reflection of my Romeo
No imperfections he's unique

Trinidad Villafranca Biography

well as a teenager and a child i have gone trough some hard times and my poetry gives an insight of my heart and soul.And how I was able to over come the challeges the world threw my way and i hope it will do the same for you.)

The Best Poem Of Trinidad Villafranca


Lust in silence
Lust defiance

Lust crept in with no warning
Heart unaware of the pain it would shortly bare
Lust without thinking our future slowly sinking

Lust for the words he once said
Lust for the beauty he once saw in her
Lust for simply what was

She begins to imagine someone
who would call her beautiful the way he once did
who would hold her close body to body as they once did
who would tell her she meant the world
who is what he use to be

Lust for simply what was

Trinidad Villafranca Comments

Crystal Villafranca 05 June 2008

hey loser you are ugly! love your sweet sister! jk lol

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