Trinity Davis

Trinity Davis Poems

I love you Kota bear
You never cared
I treasure the past relationship we shared
You had a mullet

You said you loved me
That was a lie
You made me cry
That was the best week of my life

You have no long how long I've waited for this day.
I still remember the first time we said hey.
For Dakota I put up a wall.
For you it shall fall.

You're my one true love.
You were sent from Heaven above.
I know the Hell you've been through
Surely that day you shall rue.

Day after day, life must go on.
Though, hearts will shatter now that You're gone.
I will not weep,
For I know You're just asleep.


I still remember
It was September
We dated
I made you feel hated

You made me smile
But that only lasted for a while
You made me laugh
But you broke my heart in half

The Best Poem Of Trinity Davis

Why Don'T You Care, I Love You!

I love you Kota bear
You never cared
I treasure the past relationship we shared
You had a mullet
It felt like a bullet to my heart when we ended
I didn't think you'd be so offended
Why don't you understand my love for you?
I wish your heart was as good as your art
I thought what we had was real
You made my life a thrill

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