Trust Kanyala

Trust Kanyala Poems

if only you waited for one more day dear friend & brother,
just one day where we could catch up and chat up with stories of year past without seen each other,
How nice it would have been to hear you call me that Funny Name you did call me the first day we met, but seems to me though like you answered the Lords call so Soon, so young and so fully of Energy.
sometimes I say and ask myself 'is this really a dream or what' but yet it seems its a long night and this dream keeps recurring itself from this hour to the next second of Life.

Dear the girl
I know I wouldn't have to do this
And make it sound so poetic.....
But Hear me Say this

The Best Poem Of Trust Kanyala

Dear Friend

if only you waited for one more day dear friend & brother,
just one day where we could catch up and chat up with stories of year past without seen each other,
How nice it would have been to hear you call me that Funny Name you did call me the first day we met, but seems to me though like you answered the Lords call so Soon, so young and so fully of Energy.
sometimes I say and ask myself 'is this really a dream or what' but yet it seems its a long night and this dream keeps recurring itself from this hour to the next second of Life.
if only I could have had just one more day to see you and make noise as friends I would wish never for the sun to set,
Right now I feel like resetting my watch just to rewind a fraction of a second that I can relive the short live memories we made together but my watch seems as though its deeper deep with an Ocean so full of salty test like tears only to remind me that you are Gone, gone with no return to turn back and to say hello. But it seen as though that day come so quick as the sun began to set that you couldn't escape death before your last breath,
I wish you could see the faces and with no traces of you that you left behind when you entered heaven's but its so Sad you are Gone leaving us with only Memories of yesterday that we hold On
As we wait for time to time itself for us to met up on the other End

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