Tyler Furjes

Tyler Furjes Poems

Those soldiers out there
they give all even through despair
their sacrifices inumerable
to their country and their brothers


The Bell may toll
The Bell may roll
Or whatever a bell may do
But it can never toll on my heart and soul

Tyler Furjes Biography

I really didn't start writing poetry i wanted too but never was really inspired to do so but. Eventually I do often get time and ispiraion so I told by a friend shall post them here)

The Best Poem Of Tyler Furjes

Those That Gave All

Those soldiers out there
they give all even through despair
their sacrifices inumerable
to their country and their brothers
out there everyday
keeping us safe
one day i'll join the mighty
that stay out there saving the world
from the evils out there
O brave soldier you gave it all
when you answered that call
O i did to
i go to join you save the people of this great country of ours
i give this poem a tribute to your efforts
one day your my protector
the next my brother fighting by my side

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