Val Brooklyn Rogers Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Shala Illustrious Emotion

Little light in my life.
Tell me the secret of your shine.
Star in my sight.
Light of my life.

I Hate The Facts

I hate when he's always away.
I hate that he's not home to stay.
The slamming of the prison gates,
I hate all those fates.

Thoughts Of Royalty

In all races there are needs.
In all races we have blood that
Bleeds a distinct red.
At some time in life all blood is shed.

Twilight Before The Dawn

Some what as the twilight
Which comes at dusk.
This is the better one
Replacing the flickers of light

Up The Staircase Of My Life

Walking up the stair case of my life
I've had to fight all along.
It skips my mind time and time again
I've found my lonely heart CHASING

I Have Problems

when my Soul turns gray
and there's No space
to let the sun Shine through.

Local 41 - Eyes And Faces

I boarded local 41 uptown with two
Other people.
Woman in RED happily discovered a seat.
Quickly sliding in, casting a brown eyed

Expect Changes

Expect changes that you know will
Grow this love in time.
Expect these changes which are
Not dreaded, but open each of our

Dozing On A Sleepy Dawn

What a DAZZLING sunrise.
Why do I despise sleep, so?
I am watching with my NAKED EYES.
It is much a mosaic display,

In Comes The Future

So Soothe sayers say, let the
Mallet fall where it may.

At this day in time nostrils

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