Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi Poems

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The Origin Of Poems!

When the two stones were flicked,
The first fire was born on the chest,
Of the earth, human not astonished,
But felt victorious, to create what created,

An Anthem....

Though I know not the language it is sung,
Your song of love reaches my ears in fling,
The way I have got the goose bumps on the skin,
The ecstatic ampere less electric current,

The Heavily Armoured Human...

Do you have any weapon in your heart,
to pierce through my heart,
to effervescence as smoke of kindness?
Do you have any other weapon in your mind,

The Pastime Of Them And The Suffering Of Us..

The colorful maggots squirm out,
With the touch of lotion slut,
Beneath the skin of the open flesh,
Of anything and anyone that have blood,

What Is Next?

I like the way you burst,
Once you burst your womb,
Then you burst your breast,
Now you burst your eyes,


Give me the thread, thin and long,
I want to play with the kites, fun and strong,
Kites of hope can fly a few furlongs,
Touching the victorious clouds along,

Painting Is A Trick To Hide The Flaws....

The background is clear and prominent,
Where the flowers of emotions are strewn,
A stroke of careless touch, that rosy bloom,
Out of shape: hide that spot using background paint,

We Are The Travelers...

Men had found everything except the roof,
The roofs that save the foundation and structure,
The roofs that provide the shelter from weather tortures,
Thousand years of research and improvisation of nature,


Days after days, Months after months,
Years after years, They sit in front of monitors,
Watching endless foot and base ball matches,
Immersed with underwear clad,

I Envy Upon You, The Master Of Universe...

I envy upon him as He arises routine,
Without any mundane quarrel and fun time,
At non existing nights, fresh as the fire from the match stick,
Glowing as the charcoal pits that burn the meats,

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